Monday, August 10, 2020

Stop saying schools are closed!

 Everyone is saying that schools are closed and that we should not have to pay property tax and why send in box tops or support something that is closed? Well......

Schools are not closed!! Yes I know my kids will not be going to a building for school at the start of the year but someone is still in charge of educating my children and its not me. Teachers, principals, counselors, support staff, librarians, kitchen staff and everyone in between are all still working very hard to make sure that your family and children are ok and your kids are still getting the education that they need.

It may look different but they are all there doing there jobs and wishing so bad to see the kids in person.

If anything I will shout out that the schools need our help more then anything, yes they get some money from the property tax that we all pay, but they also get money from business revenue that is just not there. Schools have been running on budget cuts for years and with yet another budget cut in the works I am afraid school funding will be cut yet again.

Schools are doing the best they can with what they have. I for one am in support of our schools in every way, if there is a fundraiser, book fair or a drive of some sort I will do my best to help them because they NEED the MONEY. I would even write them a check if that's what is going to help.

Love your school, love the staff. more important don't loss sight of what you teach your children when they watch you and how you react to the things that are happening. Teachers and staff are still working hard, they can do it better with your support.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

It's been a year! WOW

Hey you all,
It's been a year since we wrote on hear last. Zacharia is now 9 years old and turning 10 this year.
Jacob will be 7 at the end of the month. Joshua is now 5 years old and can't wait for school to start. Zarona is now 3 years old and also can't wait til school starts (she will be in Head Start)

Jacob got a rally great shiner by falling on a trucks bumper, sorry no pics online but i can text you one if you want it.
Danielle is doing great in school and hopes to be done by the end of the year.
Brandon is liking his new job and is very grateful he has one now :)

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

New Life

So I guess we need to let everyone know what is going on with our family.

June was a hard month, we start it off with a speech therapist telling me that because Zarona has not made much progress at all with her speech since she got tubes in Feb that we need to get her looked at by a neurologist to rule out a neurological disorder DAS (Developmental Apraxia of Speech), we have yet to make an appointment for that yet, but we will shortly. 

Brandon lost his job at the end of June, yes it as for something stupid  yes he filled unemployment, yes we are doing good so far for July, We will wait and see what happens.

We still are hoping to make it to Utah this year. 

now that it is July we are hoping for some good things. 


when one door closes, one door opens

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Joshua Turns 4

Yes, Joshua turns 4 and to celebrate he chose to mark what is his. The rest of the family is doing great. All is well with me, except for dish pan hands. Working in the kitchen and the dish room sucks but wow I get a free lunch so not all bad. Oh yea Joshua went Pee in the cats water bowl.  :) I think that was funny but Danielle does not think so. I say I am right. T.T.F.N.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Stitches :)

Joshua is a wonderful little guy who likes to get into a lot of things, even the knifes.

Last night well cooking dinner, Joshua some how came across  Brandons ceramic knife.

Danielle was in the kitchen washing potatoes for dinner and Brandon was in the living room with the kids, nothing out of order, then all of a sudden Joshua starts screaming, Danielle looks to see what is wrong and here comes Zarona with the knife.
Danielle asks Brandon if Joshua has a cut, Brandon says yes, Danielle then asks him to please take care of it. Brandon then goes to the bathroom to get a band aid, Joshua comes into the kitchen still screaming. Danielle looks at his hand then takes him to the sink for a cold water rinse of the hand for a closer look. 1 Band aid is not going to cover this cut. so Brandon got some gauze out of the first aid kit, Danielle put prusser on the cut with no susses in stopping the bleeding. Brandon got more gaze out. Danielle put new gauze on hand then wrapped it. Brandon took Joshua to the E.R and Joshua got 2 stitches :)
What a fun dinner time. Brandon and Joshua ate at McDonalds on the way home. Happy Meals make everything better :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Zarona Update

Here is an update on Zarona.

We went up to OSHU Monday Feb 25th at o dark 30
for her to get tubes in her ears. The surgery went very well,
she woke up just fine and was doing great. We got home
and she took a nap, we have to put drops in her ears for 3 days.
there was a little fluid in her ears and the Doc said that it was very
thick fluid, right now she is back to her normal self. She has an
hearing apt in the middle of March, we will update you then on how
she is doing. T.T.F.N

Friday, January 18, 2013

Pinewood Derby

Last night was Zacharia s first pinewood derby race, he did not do so bad. He showed good sportsman ship at the event but ran his mouth a lot on the way home. (we have to work on that) enjoy the pictures.